-Vincent Van Gogh

"I tell you, the more I think, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people."
~Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, March 19

AYAA 2012

Every year, my school travels to the AYAA competition (Arkansas Young Artists Association) to compete against other schools/students in our state. Each student is allowed to take 5 pieces of work to be judged during the day while we attend art seminars. Last year, I was in the "Baby Division" as I like to call it, where winning was a huge accomplishment but easier to do. That to say, I went into this year without expecting to place because I was up against serious talent. I was pleasantly surprised to walk away with two awards having been up against around 1,100 other kids. Below are the works I took followed by an "on site" piece I created, which is explained at the end.
2nd place in the pencil/graphite division

A fun palette knife painting

Pen and ink "scribble drawing"

Pop art fly

On site pen and ink drawing, 2nd place
For the on site competition, we were given a prompt and about an hour to complete our vision on the spot. The prompt was to "depict a portion of your favorite song and include the lyrics in the drawing." I chose this song because I liked how objective the objects were and I thought they would be relatively easy to portray. Also, I set the vantage point from above to create more interest. I was pretty pleased with myself because the thought of drawing on command makes me want to throw up! In the end, I was most proud of this award because I really was overcoming a huge fear of mine.

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